Donating time & expertise to the community
Trustworthy buildings are an important part of healthy and vibrant communities. Credwell understands that building compliance and safety poses an ongoing challenge for grass roots community groups and not-for-profits who do so much with so little, often in older and make-do premises.
We are committed to ensuring that safe operating premises are not out of reach for any community group or NFP. This is the function of ‘Credwell in the Community.’
Embedded in our values and our schedules, is time and expertise to assist community organisations in need.
Our team of specialist accessibility and building consultants, along with sustainability engineers and fire & risk consultants are ready to assist so that your organisation can focus on doing good.
To see ‘Credwell in the Community’ in action – click here

If you are part of or know of a community group/NFP that needs expert building compliance advice to continue their valuable work, but lacks the means, please nominate them using the form below.
Our team will assess nominations and work with successful applicants to continue their work.
What would a successful applicant look like?
Scenario: Several NFP groups use a community hall situated on crown land. The hall is subject to a fire order and must also install wheelchair accessible ramps. Between the groups that use the hall for their community or charity work, there is insufficient funds to satisfy the criteria of the fire order. The groups have come together understanding they need help but don’t know where to start.