BCA / Access Consultancy / Fire Safety

Bondi Surf Bathers Conservation and Upgrade

Home » Portfolio » Bondi Surf Bathers Club
Bondi Surf Bathers Life Saving Club is a treasured part of the national heritage listed Bondi Beach Cultural Landscape.
Size: Building; 2200 m2. Public Park; 2000 m2.
Credwell worked with Council and specialist contractors to address accessibility challenges the surf club faces during the conservation and upgrade process. The refurbished facility will feature equal female to male facilities, a dedicated space for nippers and will encourage greater community interaction.
The design preserves and restores the original clubhouse in all its glory, modern lightweight additions highlighting the original.
The proposal is sympathetic to its heritage context, with the addition of an exciting publicly accessible courtyard, connectivity is improved. A new publicly accessible arcade connecting Bondi Pavilion through Bondi Surf Club to Bondi Playground. Intrusive additions are removed, increasing landscape, open space and usable parkland, significantly improving the public domain.
Bondi’s unique character is supported, the historic pattern of Courtyards, Terraces, Arches and Pitched Roof forms are interpreted in a lightweight & distinguishable manner, adding to the identity of place.
The proposal removes intrusive additions, reducing bulk and scale and allows the exceptional heritage of the 1934 original building to be appreciated in the round.
Credwell has proudly provided BCA and Access consulting as well as on-site fire rating and fire penetration advice for this project.